Practicing environmental safety doesn't really mean you need a plenitude of open space.
In nature, plants can be discovered developing on vertical surfaces like bluff faces or tree trunks. Understanding this developing condition is critical to effectively reproduce it in vertical patio nurseries. A moss wall, strikingly, is likewise called a green wall.
Vertical gardens – or living walls as they are sometimes, more-poetically, called – have become the rage in recent years. A lush layer of greenery extending across a vertical plane, they are the perfect antidote to our concrete-ridden urban environments. Whether creeping up the walls of private homes and apartments, or shrouding the exteriors of Hotels, Restaurants, Public Arena or Corporate houses, vertical gardens have become a way for people living in built-up areas to connect with nature, and for those who do not have the luxury of a garden to enjoy the calming effects of greenery in their homes Moss Wall - Luckily, for those who are set on introducing more greenery into their homes (but who are also self-aware enough to realize that they may not be up to the challenge of a vertical garden), there is a more practical option to consider – the Moss Wall. Moss Wall is realized using a stabilized lichen that can be preserved just keeping a 50% or higher moisture rate in the room. It must not be watered, fertilized nor pruned and it can be placed in rooms without natural light. Replica Plant wall is an alternative solution where living wall or Moss wall is not practical or affordable. Unlike living wall, no need of watering or worrying about maintenace. Install and enjoy just regular dusting and cleaning.